Sunday, October 27, 2013

Orlando Wetlands Park - NKP - Practice Mode

Diving Belted Kingfisher

Sorry if you were waiting for a paddling post. Did not paddle today. I have said a few times that wanted to take photography lessons. Well, finally did it. The Friends of The Orlando Wetlands Park offered a class and I jumped on it. Today took a couple of hours, after having lunch with wifey and the no-so kids anymore, went to the park to practice what the instructor, Reinhard Geisler, has taught us for the last two Saturdays. Not going to go into too the details in here but will leave you a couple of pics from today and a link to the album in our Facebook Page, where there are many more pics to share.

Of course. Cannot miss the chance to shoot a gator pic but here was practicing shooting to a dark subject.

Snowy Egret. White subject back lit.

Tri-Colored Heron

Coots. Practicing shooting dark subjects

Juvenile Little  Blue the other side

Green Heron

Red Shouldered Hawk

Eastern Phoebe

Belted Kingfisher

That is it. Check our  Views From Our Kayak on Facebook for more pics from yesterday session. Hope you like them. See you this coming weekend where we will be sharing some Views From Our Kayak, literally, from the kayak. See you then.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lower Wekiva River - from Katie's Landings

Green Heron

Was not a good day to paddle and even less for photography. It was cloudy this morning and thought about staying at home. At the last moment decided to go and practice with the camera and the Lower Wekiva River. Was not something to call home about but it was not too bad either. Had some fun, worked out, and enjoy the river for a few hours.

Pileated Woodpecker

Put In / Take Out: Katie's Landings. Please check previous posts from this location for location and more information. That being said, let us go to the pics...

Great Blue Heron

The Sun came out at the end of the paddle but it was time to go home and I did so. There was a lot of motor boat traffic in the river today, including a jet ski fleet. They were four of them and made so much noise. Anyways, thanks for reading, check our Facebook Page for more pics from this and past trips, and like us if you really Like us. See you next weekend to share more Views From Our Kayak.

Turtle's Circus act

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Upper Wekiva River - From Wilson's Landings

Wekiva River Deer

OK. Welcome back if you are returning for yesterday's post completion or simply, Welcome!!!! if this is the first time you visit our blog. My plan Sunday morning was to paddle at Rock Springs Run. Over slept so decided to stay close to home. Lower Wekiva River...Nahhhh...Was there a little more than a month ago. OK...Then let us go to the upper portion of the Wekiva River. Did put in at Wilson's Landings even when I do not like these facilities as much as Katie's Landings. Had a great day of deer viewing, not too many pics but got a couple.

Limping little deer at Wilson's Landings

Put In/ Take Out: Wilson's Landings. For directions and other details please check the link. There is no fee. The put in and take area is not my favorite but it is not impossible. It is a longer walk from the drop-off area to the launch area, going downhill first and uphill at the return. You may want to bring a cart.

Eastern Phoebe...rulers of the river!!!!!

Was at Wilson's Landings at 8:10 AM. A deer greeted me, and then another ran across the road, and another, and then another ran into the forest. Then one walked, stayed in the middle of the way, looked at me like saying...shoot a pic and I did so. Had to.

Deer at Wilson's Landings

 She is beautiful...and knows it

After the deer experience was in the river at 8:30. There were Eastern Phoebes all over the places. Other than the three fishermen I saw going up, saw no one else in the river until got close to Buffalo Tram Primitive Camp. A couple in a canoe from the Wekiwa Springs State Park was having a private party in the banks down stream the camp site, with camping tent and everything. Here is what I saw on my way up river...

Little Blue Heron



Little Blue Heron


Pileated Woodpecker

Great Blue Heron

Small gator. No big ones were seen at the river on this trip



Great Blue Heron

Tiny gator

Juvenile Little Blue Heron


Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron

Biggest gator of the day. Doorman at Buffalo Tram


Made it to Buffalo Tram Primitive Camp in a little less than three hours but a disclaimer; I am a very slow paddler. Add to that all the pics stops and, well, there you go. Took me less than 1 hour 30 minutes to go back to Wilson's Landings. Only stopped three times. There was way more traffic in the river at the time of my return.


Eastern Phoebe at Wilson's Landings

And this is it for this one. Thanks for coming and hope you liked it. Check our Facebook page for more pics from this and past trips. We may see you again next weekend to share more Views From Our Kayak...

Wekiva River