Saturday, June 28, 2014

Silver River

Silver River

Cannot remember a paddle when we had so much fun like this one at the Silver River. No wonder is one of our top three paddling locations. Wifey returned to the kayak and even when we ended up exhausted by the brutal heat and humidity, went back home very satisfied. We laughed, fought, talked, and...did I say it was fun?


Put In / Take Out: Ray's Wayside (or Ocala Boat Club). The fee is $5 and it is a very nice facility. There was an attendant this time but if not, there is the honor system, meaning you put your money in a provided envelope, deposit it in a box, and put your stub in a visible place in your car. I do not know what would happen if you do not pay and they catch you but it cannot be good. Do not try it.

Sliver River Monkeys

Started our paddle at 8:40 AM. The put in was not busy at all, something that surprised me a bit. Turned right at the end of the canal leading to the Silver River on our way to the beautiful Silver Springs. Here are the pics of this leg of the trip...

Wood Duck (looks like a young male)

Wood Duck and Turtle
Wood Duck

Wood Duck

Wood Duck (female)

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Little Blue Heron

Green Heron

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Yellow Crowned Night Heron



Anhinga  (male)

Anhinga (female)

Brown Snake (???)

I only know that is a snake...Brown Snake (???)

Juvenile Little Blue Heron

Juvenile Little Blue Heron





Green Heron
A trip to the Silver River cannot and should be complete if you do not see at least one gator and tens of turtles.

Gator in the mat






Turtle is missing a shell piece

Soft Shell Turtle

There is a rookery a few meters from the head springs. We stopped there on our way down river...

Cattle Egret



Cormorant chicks

Little Blue Heron

Cattle Egret

I was thinking that my streak of seeing monkeys at the Silver River was coming to an end when my wife spotted a monkey inside a pontoon boat docked at  private property on mile marker 2.6. The monkeys made themselves comfortable using the chairs...

Guess what I am asking Santa for Christmas

Rhesus Monkeys at the Silver River

Silver River Monkey

Silver River Monkey with baby

Silver River Monkey

We are family!!!!!

Strong Bond

Silver River Monkey

Silver River Monkey

And that is it for this one. I guess that we should not take two cameras with us on our trips because this is what happens: Too many pics and a little time to select them. Check our Facebook Page where we have a video summary of this trip, including underwater takes of gators, cormorants, and turtles. Will also find a short video we made with monkeys as the stars. Thanks for reading and hope you will come back soon to share with you more Views From Our Kayak.

Silver River