Monday, September 5, 2011

Lower Wekiva River (From Katie's Landing)

Flock of Ibis in the Wekiva River

What was I supposed to do? No work today and woke up early. My first thought was Haulover Canal. Checked the forecast and it said "moderate chop in the intra-coastal". No thanks!!!! I have tried and done that before. Not fun with a Sit on Top kayak. What now. Wekiwa Springs State Park? Not in a holiday. OK...To Katie's Landing then. Had an almost perfect day in the Wekiva River. Almost because wifey stayed at home again. In the water @ 9:30 and back to Katie's Landing at 3:00PM.

Great Egret

Put In / Take Out: Katie's Landing was, and will always be the put in for paddling this part of the Wekiva River. It is close from home, easy access to the river and cheap; only $3.00. For more information please check previous posts about the Lower Wekiva River.


Great Blue Heron
It was a typical, mostly typical, day in the Wekiva River. Have to have in mind that it was a holiday today and everything makes sense. Plenty of motor boats in the river, only five kayaks including mine. A couple was ready to put in as I left Katie's Landing. They did go upstream, south, heading to the bridge of SR46. As usual, spent some minutes exploring the area in front of Katie's. After 15 minutes started my paddle north, going with the current and thinking that maybe was going to see manatees again. But there were no manatees in the area where I saw them during the previous paddle. As paddled by Wekiva Haven said this to myself..."Se me acabó el perfume"... which is a popular slang in Spanish equivalent to the English "I am out of luck". My luck was going to change later, just did not know it at the time.

Prothonotary Warbler

Know what? I am going to spare you reading time, in case you are one of the few that actually read this blog( I know most of you come here for the pics my wife takes ). With that being said, it was a day similar to other days I have had in this river. The only difference was the lots of motor boats, 7 total (times two), going up and down river. All of them, but one, were polite and reduced speed. The one that did not slow down, created a wake that jumped inside my yak ending a dry paddle. Thank you very much!!!!! Other than this little event that was it. At noon decided it was time to turn around. I was like 30 minutes down river from the mouth of Blackwater Creek. Wanted to explore the creek but a boat with a couple of fishermen was right there with their lines in the way of the creek Did not want to bother them so kept going north at the moment. Saw them again on my way up.

Ibis at the Wekiva River

Here are more pics of what I saw today. Missed a pic of a Green Heron, at the end of my paddle, and many Pileated Woodpeckers who crossed the river in front of me time after time. The rest is here. Many turtles on the river today and many small and medium sized gators. No Did You Know That? this time. It is a holiday. Hope you had a good Labor Day!!!!

Great Egret

Wild turkey

Baby gator






Great Blue Heron

Manatee...told you my luck changed!!!!!

Manatee swims by



Little Blue Heron

That is all for this one. As usual a link to the slideshow album with more pics from this and past trips to the Lower Wekiva River.

Thanks and hope you come back for the next Views From Our Kayak.

Wekiva River


  1. Luis,
    I am enjoying your blog and your wonderful photos very much. We frequent the same places, so sooner or later we'll say "hello" in person.
    Good decision to skip WSSP yesterday. I worked there (volunteer river patrol) and it was crazy busy.
    See you on the rivers.

  2. Looking forward to say "Hello"!!!!!!!
