Sunday, February 5, 2012

Return to the Orlando Wetlands Park

Vermilion Flycatcher

Today, after church, wifey and I decided to go back to the Orlando Wetlands Park. We had a goal on this one. Last Friday there was a sign at the park entrance. It said that a pair of Vermilion Flycatchers were being spotted at the North end of cell 17  at some cypress trees. After searching about that in the web realized that it is a rare bird in Florida, it is not even supposed to be here. Cornell web site says that during the winter it is seeing at Southern Texas, Eastern Mexico and South America. Hey, it is not supposed to be here year round. We decided to give it a try and went for it. We found it were the sign says it has been seeing.

Vermilion Flycatcher
Did meet a couple of photographers, Scott and Kyle. We chatted while taking, or trying to take, pictures of the Vermilion Flycatcher. This is Scott's address to his web site; Just took a quick peek and it is great. My wife is still talking about the lenses your camera have folks. It was nice talking to both of you.

Vermilion Flycatcher

Did You Know That? The male Vermilion Flycatcher will loose its bright red color if is taken in captivity. It generally prefers somewhat open areas usually near water. Their range includes almost all of Mexico, it extends north into the southwestern United States, and south to scattered portions of Central America, parts of northwestern and central South America, and on southwards to central Argentina. They are also found in the Galapagos Island. What the heck is doing in Florida? I have no clue. The male Vermilion Flycatcher often seeks copulation by offering a butterfly or other showy insect to the female.

Here are more pics of what we saw today. We closed the day with a nice Bald Eagle posing for pics in a small island East of the birding trail.

Northern Mockingbird

Mottled Duck

Little Blue Heron

American Bittern



Pied Billed Grebe


Baby gators

Baby gators

Baby gator swims


Palm Warbler



Gator and coots


Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

Great Blue Heron landing at Orlando Wetlands Park


Blue Winged Teal ducks

Female Northern Shoveler

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

That is it for this one. What a weekend. Crested Caracaras Friday and Vermilion Flycatcher today. Also Blue-winged and Northern Shoveler, all of them first timers in our blog. Thanks for reading and see you next week on another Views From Our Kayak.

Orlando Wetlands Park


  1. It was great meeting you today. Looks like you got some pretty good pics!

    1. Thanks for the tips. We are looking at your gallery. My wife loves your pics. She is specially impressed with the waterfall pics. Your pics are great.

    2. Your welcome, and thanks for the compliment. Btw, your "TBD" bird above is a Palm Warbler--I thought you might want to know.

    3. Thanks again Scott. Did really enjoy your blog. It is excellent.

  2. Great photos! It was so nice to meet you. Here's a link to my photos, though I haven't posted any from today yet!

  3. I went back to OWP today and the second Vermillion Flycatcher lets you get MUCH closer than the first. You two should go back out there!

    1. Where is it Kyle? We have been there twice and only saw the one at the North West end. Looked for the other one but did not see it. We were told that is somewhere to the East of that same trail.

      Nice to read you.
