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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Orlando Wetlands Park


Had never seen so many little gators in one place. Today did a solo walk around the birding trail at Orlando Wetlands Park. Wanted to burn some of the calories taken during lunch and this place gives me that opportunity and the chance to see wildlife while doing just that. It was a nice walk on the park and just want to share a few pics with you.

Blue Winged Teal

Sandhill Crane



Birdy takes a bath

Home Run...4 for 1. Juvenile Little Blue Heron. Ibis, Great Blue Heron, Glossy Ibis, and a Juvenile and adult Ibis.

Great Egret

Black Bellied Whistling Ducks

Bald Eagle

Red Shouldered Hawk. This one was going to be the opening but started yesterday's post with a hawk so...


Wood Stork

And that is it. If you wish to see more pics this link will take you to our Photobucket album: Orlando Wetlands Park. There you will see pics of this and past trips. See you soon, this time from the water, on another Views From Our Kayak.

Orlando Wetlands Park scene


  1. Forgive me, but I think one of your captions has an error. Four bird species in one is not a home run. It's a grand slam!

  2. Geez. And I am a baseball fan. Was thinking in four bases when wrote it but your description makes more sense. Thanks Master Dave.
