Bobcat at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge |
The opening pic is not what we wanted it to be for our first pic of a Bobcat but sometimes you have to take what wildlife gives you, period. Today we did not go kayaking due to schedule conflicts, but decided to take a drive to
Black Point Wildlife Drive, at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, something we have had on our minds for a while. On our way to BPWD I saw something way ahead in the middle of the road. Four legged, too small to be bear, did not look like dog from the distance: a Bobcat!!!! Got excited and started pointing at it to my wife while saying...Bobcat...Bobcat...Bobcat straight ahead!!! Wifey did not see it crossing the road so I parked the minivan near where saw it. Wifey had the camera on hand, ready, and got out of the vehicle trying to find it. I saw the Bobcat looking at her from the vegetation but my wife was not seeing it. Then the cat moved and wifey saw it. Unfortunately it moved too deep into the grass for a clean pic but wifey did her best. That was our most exciting moment of a pretty good morning at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. Since the following are not
Views From Our Kayak I will proceed to share the pics with you, without boring details of our short trip (due to lot of rain in area).
Bobcat runs to hide from the evil camera |
Tri-Colored Heron |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Cannot find out this one. Working on it. Is that a non breeding adult Willet? |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Black-necked Stilt |
Tri-Colored Heron |
American Avocet...Non breeding adult |
A Great Egret Trio |
Reddish Egret |
Reddish Egret |
Red Winged Blackbird |
Gator |
Osprey |
Black-necked Stilt |
Otter swims by |
Green Heron nesting |
Sora |
Moorhen |
Green Heron |
Green Heron |
Turtle |
American Avocets, non breeding(white heads) and breeding(ones with brownish head) |
Green Heron (these birds were all over the place at BPWD) |
Snowy Egret |
Killdeer |
Osprey |
Osprey family |
We were surprised for the amount of Green Herons we saw on this place. Also, at the end of the trip we saw this Osprey nest with all the members of the family on it. First time we see Osprey chicks(the ones with the dotted-yellowish feathers). That is all for this one. Hopefully our tomorrow's post will be from the water and View From Our Kayaks, not views from our minivan. See you then.
Shore birds at Black Point Wildlife Drive |
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