Sunday, January 6, 2013

Econlockhatchee River - The Eagle's Nest

Eagle's Nest

Since this was the purpose of this trip thought that it deserved the opening spot, even if it is not the best pic of this trip. We kayaked the Econlockhatchee River from and to Snow Hill Bridge. A short trip where the pics chances were not many at a low and fast Econ River.

Econ Turtle Reflection

Put In & Take Out: For this trip we did put in at the Snow Hill Rd bridge over the Econ, went up river past the Flagler Trail bridge to the eagle's nest and then back to Snow Hill Rd bridge. I am not too warm about this put in/take out location since it is a bit tricky: steep with lots of loose stones which makes going to the river a slippery adventure. Just be careful and do not fall on your six when using this facility.

Red Shouldered Hawk

We started our paddle just before noon. Do not remember the exact time but the whole trip did not last more than four hours. We did not see anyone else in the water on our way up river. Did see a two groups on our way down. One of young kids, maybe 8 of them, and then three guys with one of them in a dingy. The Econ is very low and fast in the few narrow areas it has. There are lots of obstacles in the form of fallen trees.


I will keep the writing to the minimum and let the pics tell the story. The best part of the paddle was when we spotted an eagle and an eaglet at the eagle's nest. If you are wondering how did we know about it we did not. We know the nest is there but had no clue it was active. My wife saw the adult eagle first and then I spotted the eaglet. The pics came out really bad because we were too far away from it. We had to to be able to see the eagle at the nest. Will share a few anyways. Here are the pics of what we saw today...

Turtles sunning in the Econ



Red Shouldered Hawk

Red Shouldered Hawk


Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron...even these guys are skittish at the Econ

And flying away it goes...

Not before giving my wife a chance for a nice Great Blue Heron flying pic...

and she scores!!!!!!!!

The terrible eyes lurking...


A rare sighting at the Econ... an Osprey. 



Great Blue Heron

And this is what we wanted to see today. The angle did not allow us to come closer to the nest without sacrificing the view so my apologies for the bad quality of the eaglet's pics.

Eaglet at the eagle's net

Econ River Eaglet

Red Shouldered Hawks

Lazy there any other kind?

Osprey. We saw that one diving head first into the river. Pretty cool scene.


Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher flying away

Even when we did not have the best paddle, almost went eagle-less and gator-less today, we agreed to return to the nest, maybe in two or three weeks. By that time the eaglet, or eaglets, may be more visible since hopefully will be stronger. This is it for this one. Thanks for reading and hope you come back soon for another Views From Our Kayak.

An eaglet can be spotted at the left side of the nest's cup. Click on the pic to enlarge it.


  1. Glad to see the baby eaglet. Great pictures!
    Did you have any portages or haul-overs?

    1. We did have one portage on our way up but mostly because I messed up choosing the wrong side of the river to paddle. I do not think a person in a solo kayak should have any problem.
