Sunday, February 17, 2013

Orlando Wetlands Park

Vermilion Flycatcher

Today woke up with low temperatures outside but, worst than that, strong winds all over the area. Haulover Canal, where I really wanted to go, ruled out. Marine forecast called it rough in the intra-coastal waters. Maybe the Lower Wekiva River then? Not too eager to face the strong wind on my way up or down river. What to do? Then I remembered that the Orlando Wetlands Park is open again since the first of this month. Nothing like a good walk to start your day so that was the call. There I found an old friend from last year: The Vermilion Flycatcher.

Vermilion Flycatcher

The beautiful little red and black bird was the highlight of my walk. It was a pleasant surprise to find him, it is a male, in the same general area where saw him last year. Most of the shots I took ended on the recycle bin but before leaving the area he was kind enough to fly to a stick very close to me and stay there for a few seconds. As it is my habit for non kayaking posts will only post the pics without the boring details of my walk. It was really cold and the breeze was brutal. My face was numb at one point. are the pics...

Glossy Ibis and Little Blue Heron



Blue Winged Teal

Anhinga has breakfast

Do you mind Dude? I am having breakfast here!!!!!

And down the hatch the fish goes

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret

Pine Warbler????

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher


Glossy Ibis

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Tri-Colored Heron

Great Blue Heron

A brave Gator fights the cold weather to enjoy sun light

Turkey Vulture

Triple threat...Little Blue Heron, Glossy Ibis and Tri-Colored Heron

Tri-Colored Heron

Mottled Ducks

Cattle Egret

And that is it for this one folks. Hope next week-end goes better than this one in terms of the weather. Thanks for reading and see you soon on another Views From Our Kayak. Visit the Views From Our Kayak - Facebook for more pics.


  1. Absolutely super shot of the Vermillion Flycatcher.. I was lucky enough to see one there last year.. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks Cindy. I got lucky with this one too. He flew right to where I was.

  2. I just found your blog and it has inspired me to start kayaking more often (I would only do it like once a year by renting).

    I was wondering if you could tell me more about your kayak as you are doing exactly the kind of yaking I want to do. I was looking at either purchasing the Point 65 modular kayak (either martini or mercury) for my girlfriend and I. I was wondering if the mercury is too long for most of these trips (14' solo and 18' tandem). I believe the martini is 10' solo and 14' tandem.

    We live in Tampa but most of your trips are close enough for us to do a day trip.

    Look forward to your reply!

    1. Jon,
      Sent you a message on Facebook. Thanks for your words.

  3. Great shots here! I initially noticed your "anhinga swallowing fish" photo. So can the bird really get that whole thing down its long neck entirely okay?? Does the unlucky prey get swallowed down wriggling the whole way as well?!


