Saturday, February 2, 2013

Silver River

Rhesus Monkey at Silver River

Monkey it is then. Had a heck of a solo paddle at the Silver River. Monkeys out in full force, but better than that, a beautiful river with an unique scenery. I am watching the Super Bowl as make an attempt to finish this post tonight. That means that my descriptions will be at a minimum. I know...I know...Do not jump from joy all at the same time. Let us go to the post and...Here we go....

Green Heron

Put In / Take Out: Ray's Wayside, aka Ocala Boat Club. Here is the address, 9570 North East 28th Ln, Silver Springs, FL. The charge is $5 per vehicle and sometimes they have an attendant, sometimes there is no one so you use the honor system. That means you pay using a provided envelope and put a stub in your dash. There are restrooms facilities and more than adequate parking spaces. The designated area to unload and load your kayaks or canoes is not too far at all from the launch area.

Little Blue Heron

I was in the water at 9AM and as soon as reached the area where the canal out of Ray's Wayside joins the Silver River knew I was up for a tough day. The Silver River is running low, pretty fast, and super clear...and stunningly beautiful. Have never seen it so pristine. When reached the confluence of the canal and the river it  did shake my little Tribe 9.5'. Had never experienced that before. But that was secondary before the incredible beauty I had before me. Instead of being discouraged was excited to see what was ahead and the river was not disappointing.

Wood Ducks...Love is in the air... everywhere

Only saw one kayaker coming down river. A gentleman was coming down and after greeting each other I asked him if there was something interesting ahead. He mentioned there was a troop of monkeys a mile ahead to my right. I guessed that area he mentioned was near the Park canoe ramp. I have seen monkeys there past trips here. At that point was only wishful thinking. A couple came near me, also going up river and we played cat and mouse for a while. I could hear them while they were way behind me but did go by me while I was taking pics. Let them go ahead, caught them again, I stopped to take pics and let them go, and finally caught them again before the Park canoe ramp, where a monkey troop was.

Rhesus Monkey

Did not spend too long with the monkeys. Too many people. One kayaker caught my attention. He did not have a camera on hand but taking notes. Saw him again on my way down river back to Ray's. There was no good spot to stay and take pics for me and my up and down paddling with the current made me feel uncomfortable. Thought about finding a spot at the opposite bank of the river but a solitary monkey was in a tree looking at the troop so did not take any chances. A couple of girls came in a canoe and did exactly that. I asked them to be careful and watch the monkey on that side of the river. They were there when I paddled by on my return part of the trip.

Snowy Egret...lots of those guys in the Park area

After the ramp did see more people in the river but it was not too crowded. Did go to the Head Spring where, for the first time, explored the area near the boat docks. By the way, not too many of them out this time. Can only say...WOW!!!!!. What a place!!!!!!!! Started my way down river going with the current while had a sandwich for lunch. My watch had 1 PM at the time.

A two for one...Tri-Colored Heron with a Gator as a background.

Did You Know That? The famous Glass Bottom boats that are part of the Silver River's history are named before Indians leaders that fought in Florida with Chief Osceola against the US Government.

Little Gator

Pied Billed Grebe
Summary time: Found much more traffic on my way down river, and also more monkey troops. Saw two monkeys across the Park and then a small troop in a small cove a few meters down from there. The the same troop that I saw in the morning near the Park canoe ramp, and then another troop right after the little island that splits the river. By the way, I asked the guy that was taking notes in the morning, this time he was taking videos and using another device I was not able to ID, and he said he was a student from Sidney(Australia) making a research. The girls in the canoe were also taking notes and videos and they were from San Diego State University. The rhesus monkeys are international I guess. Also met a nice family, The Pizors, at the popular stopping point in the river; The Beach as the people call it. I took a break and they came as I was there. Nice people. Were having a good day. Well...The Super Bowl, after the outage at the Super Dome now we have a game there. It is the 4Q and the 49ers are down now by just 2. I do not like any of the teams playing so will watch and enjoy the rest of the game. That means that it is time for me to show the rest of the pics...

Carolina Wren???




Wild Pig


Unknown bird...TBD



Juvenile Ibis

Great Blue Heron

Green Heron

Great Egret

Great Egret

Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron



Unknown Bird...TBD

Red Shouldered Hawks

Great Blue Heron

Three Turtle-teers

Wood Ducks

Pied Billed Grebe

Anhinga - female

Belted Kingfisher

Great Blue Heron

Little Gator sunning at the Silver River

Eastern Phoebe

Silver River Monkey

An adult female watches the little ones at the Silver River bank

Little Monkey
Same monkey from the above pic. Just a close up of another pic

Silver River monkey

Silver River monkey

Juvenile Little Blue Heron

Red Shouldered Hawk
Red Shouldered Hawk in concert at the Silver River
Tri-Colored Heron

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Gator having a heck of a time at the Silver River

Gator's Welcome Mat
Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

Tri-Colored Heron

Tri-Colored Heron

Juvenile Little Blue Heron

Gator at the Silver Springs Head Spring

Snowy Egret


Silver River Monkey

Silver River Rhesus Monkey

Silver River Rhesus Monkey


Wood Ducks

Wood Duck (female)

Wood Duck (male)

Little Monkeys at the Silver River

Eastern Phoebe

Green Heron

Belted Kingfisher takes off

Belted Kingfisher

And this is it for this one. Thanks for reading and hope you come back for the next Views From Our Kayak.

Silver River


  1. That's a great photo of the monkey. I'm going to have to make a trip down the Silver River soon. What is the best time of day to see monkeys?

  2. Monkeys live in Florida.. Wow, I never knew! Open w/ the Monkey!

  3. I am not sure about the time Robbie. I have heard that they come out after 11 AM but, there is no tell. I have seen them in the same general area ( just down river from the Park's canoe ramp...maybe a 100 meters down to the left) but yesterday saw them in places that had never seen them before.

    Cindy, the monkeys are not native but descendants of ones that escaped from an attraction many years ago.

  4. Great post. Made me think I was there. Wait, I was, Sunday. Broke a 3 or 4 Silver River paddle monkey drought. Saw two solo. Love the gator at the base of the wall. Never seen one there before. Have seen one nearby, on the grass to the left of the glass bottom boats

  5. Terrific pictures, as always. I love the one of the Great Egret with plumes.

  6. Glad your monkeyless streak is over. It was the first time I paddle in that area.

    Joanne...Thanks. I have several favorites but think that the opening pic is a nice one. Of course...I know jack about photography.
