Thursday, July 4, 2013

Econlockhatchee River - Snow Hill Rd Bridge to CS Lee Park

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Happy Independence Day from the Econlockhatchee River, prime habitat for our national symbol, the Bald Eagle. And had lots of sightings today, specially young ones like the one in the picture. There were not many pic chances due to the windy conditions on the river, which cause it to have waves!!!!!!!

Swallow-Tailed Kite

Put In / Take Out: Used a shuttle system for this one. Put In at the Snow Hill Rd. bridge over the Econlockhatchee River and took out my yak at CS Lee Park. My wife dropped me at Snow Hill and then picked me up 5 hours later at CS Lee Park. Started my paddle, expected to be an easy one because was going with the current, at 9:20 AM. Ended at 2:30 PM what was a very labored paddle. Did not factor the wind in my equation.


This section of the river can be divided in two parts. A closed area with the forest at both sides of the river and an open area, way down river, where you can usually see cows. Today also saw horses. Had multiple eagle sightings, adults and young ones. Sadly did not have pic chances since they did fly away from me in a hurry. After 3 hours it was a little disappointing. Only a few pics. But then, in an area where on our most recent trip we saw two adult bald eagles, and also heard shots, a pair of bald eagles flew over. Was able to shot a few pics, which was tough due to the very strong wind that made it a bumpy ride.

Red Shouldered Hawk

Mourning Dove

Little Blue Heron

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Later down river another adult flew from a tree in front of me to another one deep into the forest. Trying to find it saw the young bald eagle in the following two pics. Then, when leaving the area saw another young bald eagle perched in a tree. From there it was a Young Bald Eagle Festival. Multiple sightings all the way to the St. Johns River, which prove to be an extremely tough paddle with the wind in my face. At least for the last mile of the trip had the wind in my back. Here are the rest of the pics...

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Juvenile Bald Eagle. This one is older than the other ones on the pics. Its head is white already

Juvenile Bald Eagle. Its head is already white

Swallow-Tailed Kite

Gator lurks

Roseate Spoonbill at a section where we had seen them before. I named it Spoonie Bend since is a bend that works as the beginning of the open area of the river.


Roseate Spoonbills

Cows on the river flats

Horse in the Econ



Young Bald Eagle in the St. Johns River

Wood Stork

Snowy Egret

These are the pics that I have. Do not think I have left many more on the file so basically, that is it. The ones that I find after a review will post them on our Facebook Page. Thanks for " reading"  and see you soon to share more Views From Our Kayak.

Econlockhatchee River Juvenile Bald Eagle


  1. The pic entitled "Young Bald Eagle in the St. Johns River"----what does he have in his talons? Is that a bird or a fish---can you tell?
    Gorgeous pictures, as always. Especially the eagles. You make me want to get a better camera, but mine seem to end up in the water.

  2. Joanne, I had no chance to see what it had in the talons. As hard as I tried to ID it later, cannot come with anything.

    Hope you had a happy one too Terri.

  3. Your trip inspired me to paddle the Econ today. Thanks! Great pics,as always. Yours,not mine.
