Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lower Wekiva River to Blackwater Creek

Happy Gator at the Lower Wekiva River

At least someone was having a happy day. Not the best paddle at this location. There are not too many pics to share so will post all that I got. A rare slow trip at one of my favorite locations. Motor boats outnumbered the wildlife today, which is never good.


Put In / Take Out: Katie's Landings in Sanford. Please check previous posts about this location for detailed information, specially one of the first ones. The fee is $3 per vehicle and the honor system is used. Went from Katie's to Blackwater Creek in about three hours. Took me less than two to go back to the put in against the current.


Started my paddle out of Katie's Landings at 8:30. It was a bit cloudy but the Sun came out strong. Did explore the area in front of Katie's and then proceeded to push my way over a vegetation mat to explore the West side of the small island North of the put in. The Wekiva is high and dark because all the rain we have had this week. It is also a bit faster than usual but that is very subjective. Just my opinion. As I said in the opening paragraph, there were not many sightings today so will share the pics that I got...

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron




Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron


Little Blue Heron (Young adult. Still had some white feathers)

Little Blue Heron (Young adult. Still had some white feathers)

Little Blue Heron (Young adult. Still had some white feathers)

Moorhen chick

Moorhen chick

Balancing act



Red Bellied Woodpecker


Turtle. Is that a Yellow Slider?

On my way home, leaving 417 and going into 434, spotted a big bird at the tree where I have seen some eagles in the past. Last week did it on my way to Alexander Creek. Was not going to stop but something looked different on this one so pulled over and shot a few pics. It looked different because it is a young adult eagle, a male I believe. His head is almost completely white but still has some brown shades. I think Bald Eagles take from 4 to 5 years to reach adulthood so this one is around that age...

Young Bald Eagle

Young Bald Eagle

Young Bald Eagle

And this is it folks. Not the best post but, it is how it is. Wildlife has the right to a vacation too. Check us on Facebook and hope you come back next week for another post of Views From Our Kayak.

Lower Wekiva River Gator


  1. The turtle is a Red-bellied turtle, I believe. And believe me, I am no expert, although I am learning thanks to my turtle research friends. Red-bellieds do not always have a red belly, it can be yellow. The yellow bellied turtles always have two black spots on the plastron, which your turtle does not. And red-bellied turtles have a notch in the upper jaw, which your turtle does. So, my best guess is Red-bellied Turtle!

  2. I just always love your photos. Thanks for taking time to shoot them, and share them!!

  3. Love the laughing gator and the beautiful turtle any name, a beauty!
