Friday, November 29, 2013

Econlockhatchee River - From and Back to Snow Hill Rd Bridge!!!

The Econ River Eagles'Nest

I am not going to say my opinion of Black Friday. Some people go bananas, some people go kayaking. Was bored to death at home and decided to take a shot at the eagles' nest at the Econlockhatchee River. Was lucky enough to arrive at the zone at the same time the mating pair arrived. This is not going to be a long post since there are not too many pics. The Econ does not have a huge display of wildlife and it showed today. But I did go there for the eagles and found them so, it was a good one.


Put In / Take Out: Snow Hill Bridge in Chuluota. For more references please check previous posts from the Econlockhatchee River.

Great Blue Heron

Here are the pics of what I saw today. Sadly the lighting was not good at all at the nest location so my apologies in advance. Pics are not something to call home about but, show what I saw there. The Econ is very low and fast, in case you are planning a visit. From the nest to the bridge is one hour down river. It took me an hour and maybe thirty minutes to go from the bridge to the nest against the current. That being we go...



Eastern Phoebe

Econ River Eagle

I am home!!!!!!

Great Blue Heron

Eagle at the nest

Econ River Eagle

One of the mates left as soon as I arrived leaving the other one at the nest. It came back 45 minutes later with some food.

Econ River Eagle




This is it for this one. Always check our Facebook Page for more pics from this and past trips. Thanks for reading and hope you come back to our next Views From Our Kayak.

Econ River Eagle

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