Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Econlockhatchee River Eagles - Special NKP

Econlockhatchee River Bald Eagles

No kayaking today. Cold and windy this morning and while I can deal with the cold, strong cold winds are not a favorite. There is a bald eagle's nest in the Econlockhatchee River and I have been there a few times via the river. Found a way to get there by land, at least that is what I thought, and tried it today. Well, found it and spent some time observing one of the parents, who was in the cup on my arrival, and then both mates for a few minutes. My purpose is to follow the eaglets from hatching to the day they leave the nest. Hope I can do it. Today there were no eaglets. Will let you know how it goes next week but here are a few from today...

The female was in the cup when I arrived. Flew to another tree.

Called her mate who was nowhere to be found

That did not stop her for showing off her beauty

The male came after more than one hour since my arrival

Then left leaving the female alone again

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Since this is not kayaking this is going to be a Facebook thing. This is just an introduction so feel free to follow the story on our Facebook Page. Expect another post tomorrow with Views From Our Kayak...

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