Sunday, February 9, 2014

Rock Springs Run

Eyes in the Forest

Today visited Wekiwa Springs State Park and Rock Springs Run. It was a relaxing paddle from the State Park, to Big Buck Camp site, and back to the State Park. The Run was not too busy but the Wekiva River was as the day was almost picture perfect. The opening may not be the best pic of the paddle but for me is beautiful. A sample that you have to be aware that the forest has eyes.

Pied Billed Grebe

Put In / Take Out: Wekiwa Springs State Park. The fee is $4 per vehicle but check their web site for more details. The beach where you put in is nice, how do you get there is another story. If you have a cart, this is the place to use it. I have to remind this to myself.


Put in short of 9 AM. The water warmer than the air created a steam like blanket that look very nice. Spent several minutes around the lagoon as it is a good place to see wildlife early, before the crowds fill it. Here are the pics of what I saw around the lagoon at the time and on my way to the Rock Springs Run. The deer pic that made the opening was taken between the lagoon and the confluence, first time I have seen a deer in the area.

Lagoon scene

Eastern Phoebe


Great Blue Heron and Female Anhiga

Tri-Colored Heron

Tri-Colored Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

Gray Catbird

More Turtles

Eastern Phoebe

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Warbler (Yellow Rumped???)

Great Egret

Made it to the confluence of the river with Rock Springs Run. The water coming down of The Run looked like the one from the Econlockhatchee River because all the rain we have had lately. It is also higher than usual for the same reasons. Anyways, my paddle up The Run was relaxing as only saw a canoe coming down. Here are the pics of what I saw at Rock Springs Run...



Little Gator

Deer Across Indian Mound Campsite

Deer Across Indian Mound Campsite

Deer Across Indian Mound Campsite

Deer Across Indian Mound Campsite

Made it to Big Buck Campsite, stretched my legs for a few minutes and then started my downstream trip back to the State Park. The Run became busier as I approached the confluence with the Wekiva River. Here are the pics of that span of the trip...

Red Shouldered Hawk





Pied Billed Grebe



Started my walk of shame carrying my kayak to the parking lot. Walk of Shame because I do have a cart  for whenever I paddle here and always leave forget it at home. Stopped for a break and took a few pics of a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher. Then, on my way out the park, drove around and took a pic of a Cooper's Hawk.

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Cooper's Hawk

And this is it for this one. Take a look to our Facebook Page for more pics from this and past trips. Thanks for reading and hope you return soon we can share more Views From Our Kayak.

Wekiwa Springs Lagoon

1 comment:

  1. Love the Cooper's Hawk. I have not seen a deer on the Park to RSR stretch for a long time. Just leave the cart in the van.
