Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Silver River

Monkey Love at Silver River

A day like this at any other place and I just go back home. Not at the Silver River. Still had a heck of a day even when it was cloudy, gray, with no sunlight at all. Glad I selected to paddle here.

Wood Duck

Put In / Take Out: Ray's Wayside, aka Ocala Boat Club. Google it or see previous posts from this location for information.

Bald Eagle

Am going to speed up this. Let us see the pics from my up river paddle...

Red Shouldered Hawk

Doe...She wait until I was in position to walk away. Really? I will show the world her rear end now!!!!

Little Blue Heron

Anhinga (female)

Anhinga (male)

Green Heron

Green Heron


Black Crowned Night Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron

Two miles into my paddle saw a troop of monkeys in the right bank of the river, near a popular stopping point. Spent a lot of time with them as no one else was there...

Rhesus Monkey in the Silver River

A Mom and her little ones

Big Bro (or Sis) helps grooming the little one

Monkey life in the Ocala National Forest


Looking at a Reflection

Monkey at the Silver River

Playing with water

Monkey Time

Going Up

Two by two. Two Moms and Two Babies

Grooming Time

After the monkeys thought about going back home. Decided against it and kept paddling up river to the main spring at the Silver River...




Yellow Crowned Night Heron


Eastern Phoebe

Wood Stork

Wood Duck

Mr and Mrs Wood Ducks

Belted Kingfisher

And there it goes

Snowy Egret


Lazy Gator

Here are the pics from my downriver paddle...

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Belted Kingfisher

Great Blue Heron

Black Crowned Night Heron


Red Bellied Woodpecker

Black Crowned Night Heron (Young Adult)

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle



And that is it for this one. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad to everybody. See you soon. We will be sharing with you more of the Views From Our Kayak...

Black Crowned Night Heron at the Silver River


  1. Merry Christmas. Great photos, the red bellied woodpecker is a "wow!"

  2. Agreed abut Red Bellied Woodpecker! Nver knew there were monkeys in FLA. Can you imagine the biodiversity before the Europeans arrived?
