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Friday, February 18, 2011

Econlockhatchee River

February 18th was my birthday. To celebrate we kayaked the waters of the Econlockhatchee River. Here is a sample of what we saw.

Big gators

Big One #1


Red Shouldered Hawk

Bald Eagle

And more...
Great Blue Heron

Downy Woodpecker

Eagle's chick
It was a nice day in the water. We put in at the bridge at Snow Hill Road and headed South(upstream). Passed the Flagler Trail Bridge and kept paddling for maybe one hour and thirty minutes. We are glad we did so because we found an eagle's nest. One of the proud parents was in the nest, and two chicks. It was an unique experiece.

In addition to that the Econ has big gators. It has lots of sandy banks and when it is sunny, that is gator paradise.

It is our first post and our first blog so expect it to improve as we go. In the mean time will keep it simple. Enjoy the pics...

Big One #2 - The Big Kahuna of the day

Belted Kingfisher

Eagle's Nest

Little Blue Heron

Flagler Trail Bridge - South Side

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, as usual. But, shouldn't it be "Views From Our Kayak"
